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Post-punk shivers – Palm Ghosts – Catherine Shackles | Romu Rocks

Post-punk shivers – Palm Ghosts – Catherine Shackles

Views: 48

Palm Ghosts a partagé la vidéo de son dernier single « Catherine Shackles ».

Le morceau est extrait de leur dernier album « I Love You, Burn In Hell », sorti le 10 novembre dernier via Sweet Cheetah Records.


Tracklisting : I Love You, Burn In Hell

  1. Tilt
  2. Drag
  3. She Came Playfully
  4. I Love You, Burn In Hell
  5. Machine Language
  6. Sleep, Billy Sleep
  7. Automatic For The Modern Age
  8. Catherine Shackles
  9. Disassociate
  10. Enemy Mine
  11. Fault Lines
You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side