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Electro News @ – Chasms – Shadow | Romu Rocks

Electro News @ – Chasms – Shadow

Views: 40

Chasms surfent encore sur les ondes de leur deuxième album, The Mirage.

Aujourd’hui, Chasms présente une version dub de son excellent single Shadow.


Chasms poursuit sa tournée au Canada et aux Etats-Unis.

05.24 Chicago, IL @ Empty Bottle ~
05.25 Indianapolis, IN @ Pioneer Indy (Spellbound) ~
05.26 Pittsburgh, PA @ Roboto ~
05.28 Toronto, ON @ The Baby G #
05.29 Montreal, QC @ Bar Le Ritz PDB #
05.30 Boston, MA @ Great Scott #
05.31 Greenfield, MA @ Root Cellar
06.01 Brooklyn, NY @ Elsewhere ~

~ w/ Devon Church
# w/ Choir Boy
You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side