News – Primal Scream – Come Ahead: The Remixes Vol 1 (Vocals)

Après avoir publié cette année, Come Ahead, Primal Scream sortira le 28 mars prochain un album de remixes baptisé Come Ahead: The Remixes Vol 1 (Vocals).

Disponible via BMG, le disque sera composé de 11 remixes:

1. ‘Innocent Money (PSB King Of The World remix)’
2. ‘Ready To Go Home (Tim Goldsworthy)’
3. ‘Ready To Go Home (Terry Farley and Wade Teo)’
4. ‘Love Insurrection (Black Science Orchestra)’
5. ‘Centre Cannot Hold (Lovefingers)’
6. ‘Love Ain’t Enough (Tim Goldsworthy)’
7. ‘Innocent Money (Radio Slave)’
8. ‘Circus of Life (Jonny Wilkes/Naum Gabo)’
9. ‘Innocent Money (Lovefingers)’
10. ‘Love Insurrection (Terry Farley)’
11. ‘Ready To Go Home (Hardway Bros anthem resistance mix)’



Le groupe a aussi partagé la vidéo de son dernier single ‘Innocent Money’:


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