And Also the Trees sortira son nouvel album, Mother-of-Pearl Moon, le 23 février 2024.
Le groupe originaire du Worcestershire a partagé un premier extrait intitulé This Path through the Meadow.
Tracklist :
01. Intro
02. The Whaler
03. Town Square
04. Mother-of-Pearl Moon
05. This Path through the Meadow
06. Valdrada
07. No Mountains, no Horizon
08. Visions of a Stray
09. Field after Field
10. Ypsilon
11. Away from Me
And Also the Trees sera en concert en France:
03.04.2024 – Strasbourg, Laiterie
04.04.2024 – Amiens, Lune des Pirates
05.04.2024 – Limoges, CCM John Lennon
06.04.2024 – Paris, Trabendo
07.04.2024 – Brest, Cabaret Vauban